Monday 17 November 2014

Awesome Management Review 03.10.2014

Guess what, the day we are waiting for is here! We wanted to have something different, fun and memorable. Thus, we came out with this Awesome idea. We set a theme for this quarterly management review. Our theme is Retro. 

Yeah, R-E-T-R-O! Who says management review can’t be exciting and fun?

The purpose of this management review is to share the marketing ideas that challenges status quo and produces extraordinary results. Besides, it is also to brief on journey of GITP in 2015/16 by our VP, Mr. Chow. 

Breakfast @ Golf Terrace with Awesome peoples before the beginning of the management review.

The scenery in Awana triggers our excitement to take group pictures..

The ‘Don’t-Look-at-the-Camera’ Pose 

After the brief from Mr. Chow, the Vise President of National Marketing Department, there are presentations from the Awesome – Possum peoples which includes Short in the New Black, Charlies’ Angels and Boys to Men. The topic that these 3 groups presented is How to Recruit Gen-Y? 

                                               #Groupfie during the management review..

The presentations from these 3 groups brighten up the whole event with interesting and creative ideas. Besides, the audiences could feel the teamwork and chemistry between the leader and the team members. 

 Feedbacks or advises from the audiences will be paste on the Encouragement Wall prepared by the 3 groups.


Snacks such as popcorns, waffle biscuit, sweets and etc were prepared so the audiences can enjoy the performances from different sections at ease. We also prepared photo props for the photograpgh sessions.. 

Group picture after the management review. We had lots of fun and of course, this review strengthens the bonds between the employees.   

This management review succeeds because of the teamwork, mutual understanding and respect from all of us. Of course, we also like to thank Awana’s staff for being helpful and understanding. They lend us a hand when we need help to re-decorate the room.  Their staffs are friendly and give us immediate help when requested.  

 Last but not least, this is the view from our hotel room.


*All photo credits to Yee Ler

Thank you so much all the people for making time to join us and making this management review so unforgettable!